Thank you to all brigades

CFA’s 2014-15 Annual Report, which includes our Annual Financial Statements, has been tabled in State Parliament today and is now available online.

I am pleased to announce the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) has reviewed and cleared our Annual Financial Statements (AFS) as being a true and fair reflection of our financial performance and situation.

A significant amount of work went into producing the AFS, and the Board and I would like to thank all those who contributed to this.

In particular, thank you to brigade treasurers, secretaries and regional finance officers for the significant effort they put in to this year’s AFS.

Three months ago VAGO informed us it needed more current information about brigade cash balances.

Gathering such details from 1219 different brigades and 2690 separate bank accounts, all as of 30 June this year, was a massive task. With the support and help of hundreds of members, though, we were able to gather most of the information we needed within a very  short time.

As a result the Auditor-General has accepted our AFS and confirmed that we have  complied with the relevant legislation. We have also, for the first time, managed to include our actual cash balances as of 30 June in the AFS - a massive organisational challenge that could only be delivered through the amazing work of our members. 

Author: Michael Wootten