Thermal Imaging camera for Bacchus Marsh

Bacchus Marsh Fire Brigade has received a thermal imaging camera (TIC) as a result of State Government funding to have a TIC in all municipalities of Victoria.

The Brigade is delighted to take possession of the device which detects heat emissions, hot spots in bush and house fires, and assists with search and rescue and hazmat incidents. The device will be an essential tool for the brigade, with first response to structure fires and other incidents.

Fourth Lieutenant Dale Salathiel said, “In the past, we've had to rely on assistance from Melton Fire Brigade and we have been very grateful for their help. However, having the TIC in our brigade is going to enhance the way we serve our community independently”.

The camera, which cost more than $15,000, is now operational following brigade training over two days.

“The device will not only be a valuable asset to our brigade, we will also be able to provide an efficient and effective service to the other brigades in the shire when responding to incidents that require a thermal imaging camera,” said Dale.

This equipment, coupled with the brigade’s recent acquisition of a gas detector, puts the brigade in an excellent position to respond to incidents.

Author: Irene Keating