Total Fire Ban declared for the Mallee

The Mallee district will be subjected to a Total Fire Ban on Friday, 20 November 2015.

Between 00:01AM and 11.59PM on Friday no fire can be lit on the open air or be allowed to remain alight in the open air.

A Severe fire danger is forecast for the Mallee with temperatures expected to reach the mid 30’s

The Fire Danger Rating will be Very High in the Wimmera and Northern Country. The North-East, North-Central and South-West face a High fire danger.

CFA Chief Officer Joe Buffone said Victoria was now in the summer weather pattern and the fire risk wouldn’t lessen until March.

“Don’t delay making fire preparations. Discuss with loved ones what you’ll do if a fire starts nearby, and ensure your fire plan covers all possible contingencies,” he said.

Mr Buffone urged farmers, especially in the Mallee, to take extra care during farming operations and monitor conditions. There have been a number of fires related to cropping operations over the past four days.

“If you’ve had a burn-off in the last few weeks, double or triple check it. In conditions like this we can’t risk having any fires start because someone thought they’d extinguished a burn-off but hadn’t.”

Already this month several incidents have been sparked by private burn-offs reigniting. In some cases this occurred days after they were thought to have been put out.

Author: CFA Media