Training develops inter-brigade relationships

Member News image Image: Steve Womersley


Training alongside neighbouring brigades is helping our members develop strong relationships with those they frequently turn out with.


Inter-brigade training is typically done alongside brigades in the same district or group and can help members expand their skillsets and learn more about and from their neighbouring crews.

Doreen Fire Brigade regularly trains with brigades in their local area. Captain Robert Bury said it has benefits when attending incidents.

“We actively try to interact with all of the brigades in the vicinity of Doreen so that we can cross train and learn from each other. It also gives us the opportunity to learn about their appliances,” Robert said.

“Quite often we only get to see our nearby brigades while we’re attending an incident, which can be a very short time, and then we tend to go home, so training helps build relationships with other brigades.”

“Building relationships makes it easier to turn out together. Some of us have been around for a long, long time and we know lots of people, but we also have people who are new to CFA and need to meet other people to understand their strengths, weaknesses and capabilities.”

Chewton Fire Brigade is another that benefits from monthly inter-brigade training sessions. Captain David Button said training alongside Elphinstone and Taradale brigades allows the Chewton crews to learn from each other.

“This year, we started monthly training sessions with Elphinstone and Taradale brigades. We wanted to find a bit of a different way to train and this is what we came up with,” David said.

“We train once a month, and at the end of the training we decide what exercise we’ll do at the next session. Then in our own brigades we spend the next three weeks working on that exercise before coming together as a group at the end of the month.”

David echoed Robert’s thoughts, saying training alongside other local brigades helps to build trust at turnouts.

“We often support each other at turnouts, so it’s important to build that trust between brigades and develop those relationships,” David said.

“It builds camaraderie and helps when we get to incidents and see a familiar face.

“I would encourage all brigades to get to know those in their local area.”


  • Member News imageChewton, Taradale and Elphinstone participate in monthly joint training sessions. Image: Steve Womersley
  • Member News image Chewton, Taradale and Elphinstone participate in monthly joint training sessions. Image: Steve Womersley
  • Member News image Doreen participate in regular training with other brigades in their district. Image: Doreen Fire Brigade
  • Member News image Doreen participate in regular training with other brigades in their district. Image: Doreen Fire Brigade
  • Member News image Doreen participate in regular training with other brigades in their district. Image: Doreen Fire Brigade
Submitted by CFA News