Walk Against Violence

District 02 staff and volunteers will again be joining members of the North West Leadership Team in the annual Bendigo Walks Against Violence on White Ribbon Day, 25th November.

This year’s event will commence at the Ulumbarra Theatre with guest speakers author Jenny Yates and psychotherapist Hugh Martin.  All males in the audience will then be invited to swear the oath never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women. 

Jenny Yates will share her story of growing up in Melbourne in a middle class family dominated by domestic violence, which had a profound influence on her life choices. Her memoir “The Vine Bleeds”, illustrates that what happens is not as important as what we do about it.  Copies of the book will be available for purchase on the day.

Hugh Martin is a psychotherapist and the founder of Man Enough. One of his areas of specialty is the engagement of men and boys in challenging the beliefs and behaviours that permit gender violence and intimidation to occur. Hugh’s work promotes gender respect and the development of respectful relationships through challenging masculine stereotypes and creating space for men to make respectful choices for themselves and their relationships.

Following the speakers, attendees will take to the streets of the Central Business District, to join the Walk Against Violence. Banners have been made by organisations and will be carried while we walk. CFA appliances from Bendigo Fire Station and Eaglehawk Fire Brigade will bring up the rear the walk.  The walk will end at the civic gardens, where there will be further entertainment and a free BBQ.

Participation in White Ribbon Day activities each year is one of the actions included in the CFA North West Region Gender Equity and Violence Prevention Action Plan. The plan was unanimously endorsed by the NWR Regional Leadership Team in October and maps out a range of realistic and effective actions to be implemented over the next four years to help increase gender equity and decrease violence against women.

For further details of Bendigo event


To find a local White Ribbon Day event


Author: Beth Taylor