What’s new on ‘The Very Handy Template Toolkit’?

‘The Template Toolkit’* just got even more handy with the new Marketing Section, which has been redesigned to save you time and make it easier for you to access the latest CFA templates.

In this section, you will find that templates, such as advertisements, newsletters, posters, etc have now been reorganised into common categories or sorted under individual marketing campaigns. Each template link also includes a thumbnail image and a + symbol which can be expanded so you can preview the document before opening, saving you time from downloading the incorrect document.

In addition to these changes is the addition of a new Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template to assist you in planning and targeting your communication and engagement activities so they are more effective. This template is located in the ‘How to and Help’ Section under Communication and Stakeholder Plans.

You can access the Template Toolkit via CFA Intranet homepage and Brigades Online under the Documents, Forms and Manuals Section. Click here http://cfaonline.cfa.vic.gov.au/mycfa/Show?pageId=templateToolkit

Corporate Templates such as letterheads are also accessible via CFA networked computers by clicking on File>New>My Templates in Word and Powerpoint.

For further information on the toolkit please email the CFA Marketing team on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


*The Template Toolkit is a practical and user-friendly 'one stop shop' of CFA communications, marketing materials and the Events Materials Booking system and is available to all members.

From visual and writing style guides, to media release and agenda templates, flyers, program materials and how to and help guides, there is something to help everyone communicate.

Author: CFA Partnerships and Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for engaging your local community. But if you don’t know your ‘bitly’ from your ‘hashtag’, help is now at hand.

The new Guide to social media, compiled by our very handy Digital Media team, explains how to connect with local communities via social media in a way that’s easy to understand and will have you posting and sharing in no time.

It’s a great guide for beginners who want to get their brigades started on social media.

Learn the sorts of topics to post about, who to share posts with, how to shorten URLs and how to use hashtags. There’s also information specific to the different social media channels and a directory of emergency management social media accounts.

You can find the guide under the ‘How to and help’ tab on The very handy Template Toolkit.

Don’t forget that this Toolkit is a one-stop shop to help you communicate both internally and to the wider community, with a great range of templates and advice including corporate forms and letterheads and marketing materials.

You can also watch short videos to help get the creative juices flowing and book CFA event materials.

If you have not checked The very handy Template Toolkit recently, now is the time. Any questions can be directed to Nancy Thompson or Amanda Bolch via email or on 9262 8314.

If you have a social media question, Ryan Vanderhorst is your go-to man. Email him or phone on 9262 8317

Author: CFA Partnerships and Marketing