When the pressure is on, Jenny is on..

On Thursday 25th June 2015 Jenny McGennisken was awarded a National Emergency Medal. 

Our community may recognise Jenny’s name, her picture or her voice….as during any incident within District 17 or afar, she will be there.  Jenny McGennisken plays a vital role as Information Unit Leader during incidents coordinating the team responsible for getting information to the media and ultimately to the community.   When the pressure is on, Jenny is on….the radio updating the community or on the telephone informing media widely.

On Thursday 25th June 2015 Jenny McGennisken was awarded a National Emergency Medal.  The National Emergency Medal shall be awarded to persons who rendered sustained service during specified dates in specified places in response to nationally-significant emergencies within Australia.

Jenny was specifically recognised for her efforts during the Black Saturday fires.  On Black Saturday in Horsham, Jenny was rostered on, she was sitting in the Horsham Incident Control Centre and she was ready for whatever came of that day.  In the days that followed, Jenny continued her work at the Horsham Incident Control Centre and then commenced her service and support to other areas affected by that devastating day.

Peter O’Keefe, Assistant Chief Officer, West Region said “Jenny’s service to District 17 communities during the Black Saturday Fires was second to none, Horsham Incident Control Centre and the broader community are so lucky to have her”.

Author: Brooke O'Connor