Wonthaggi Open Day

Over 300 people visited Wonthaggi Fire Brigade Sunday 25 October.

The station was open from 10am to 2pm. Members of the public were taken on station tours of the two-year-old station and all trucks were on display. Dandenong's ladder platform was on show and put through its paces. (A big thank you to Dale and Nick).

Also on display was one of CFA's mobile education units (MEU). A Big thank you to David for bringing this down. Our famous doughnuts were given out, Lions Club cooked the sausages, there was fairy floss for the kids and even a mobile coffee cart was on hand for the early risers.

The kids had a visit from Captain Koala, but because of the heat of the day he only made a short appearance. There was a colouring competion for the kids and many giveaways throughout the day.

"It was great to see such a successful day, having over 300 people come through our doors was such a highlight and thrill," said Lt Dave Walters. 

Author: Jamie Moresco