CFA website redesign feedback

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You may have noticed that the CFA website is looking a bit different from the last time you visited?



The site was relaunched today (Wed 16 June) with a new design aimed at making it easier for the community to find the information they need to stay safe during fires and other emergencies.

We would love to get your feedback on the new design to help us fine-tune it and plan for future improvements.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey on our Engage CFA site.

The new design has a drop-down navigation menu to make it easier to explore the site content and improved search functionality that will provide more relevant results.


Drop down




Each section of the website will be colour-coded to further improve visitors’ ability to navigate the site, and the main menu will stay at the top of the screen so that it is always easily accessible.

colour coded


sticky menu


The redesign is the first stage of ongoing improvements to the website.

From August, visitors will be able to enter their address to access fire preparation and safety information relevant to their local area. The new section will tell visitors what the Fire Danger Rating is in their area and whether or not they are in the Fire Danger Period or if a Total Fire Ban is in place. Events and meetings, Neighbourhood Safer Places, Community Fire Refuges and brigades near them will also be displayed on an interactive map.

Direct links to VicEmergency warnings will also be made available on the home page of the CFA website to ensure that visitors know if there are current emergency warnings and can quickly get to those warnings on the VicEmergency site.

Visitors will be able to provide feedback on the new design and engage on future improvements to the site on the Engage CFA community engagement platform when the site launches.

Sitting behind the new website is a new Content Management System that will make it easier for CFA to keep website content up-to-date and make future improvements much easier.

The new system will allow all CFA members to share news articles about things happening at their brigades around Victoria.





Submitted by CFA Digital Team