Trio of trucks for Truganina

Three new vehicles worth more than $1 million are now operating out of CFA Truganina Fire Brigade. 


The new vehicles will bolster CFA capabilities

The heavy tanker, medium pumper and field command vehicle (FCV) will boost response capabilities around the fast-growing area.

“A lot of our grass fires are fast moving and can impact new home developments that often border farming and grassland,” District 14 Commander Andy Waterson said.

Andy said it’s particularly tough during the fire season. “What these new vehicles will do is give firefighters greater capability to fight those fires within their brigade and surrounding areas.”

He said the medium pumper will be used predominantly for fighting urban and structure fires, with the heavy tanker battling grassfires and bushfires. Meanwhile, he said the FCV will allow for commanders to better manage crews, direct operations, and also provide support for staging area management.

“These vehicles are cutting edge technology, and there’s been a lot of positive feedback from the crews here,’ Andy said.

“It shows the great work being done by fleet, and operations are paying off with these vehicles. 

“It’s a big win for Truganina brigade, the Mount Cottrell Group, and District 14.”

The old and new field command vehicles

The new vehicles are cutting edge technology

Author: CFA Media