An update from the CFA marketing team

CFA is regularly updating its response to coronavirus (COVID-19) and the measures in place to ensure your health and safety. These measures have impacted in some way on all planned activities within the organisation.


Cancelled or postponed events include the State Champs and the AFL Emergency Services and Country Round matches. An update on specific activities and information is listed below.

Coles Gift Cards - extended usage deadline

We are aware that a number of brigades have not yet spent the $500 Coles Gift Card which were distributed in December. We know that brigades are either just coming out of the Fire Danger Period or are still in it and they are only just starting to consider how they might use their $500 now that they have the opportunity to do so.

Unfortunately, a few circumstances have arisen which have made it challenging for brigades to meet the 31 May deadline to spend the money:

  • The ban put on brigade social gatherings due to COVID-19 precautions
  • The non-perishable items they may want to buy may not be available due to panic buying

Finance has now agreed to extend the deadline to 31 March 2021.

If you are unable to locate the original email from December 2019 you can contact to request their individual Gift Card code to be re-sent.

Bunnings activation

In line with CFA’s advice on cutting all non-operational activities, we will not be proceeding with the face-to-face community engagement part of this event. Bunnings remains committed to supporting our community safety work and will have instore displays of smoke alarms near point-of-sale, as well as flyers in the smoke alarm aisle.

Daylight saving - smoke alarms maintenance

To capitalise on the association of smoke alarms and daylight saving, we have planned an organic campaign on social media. The campaign reminds people to undertake regular checks and maintenance of existing smoke alarms during the weekend of 4-5 April. 

Author: CFA Marketing