Bushfire CRC Fire Note 110

The Bushfire CRC's Fire Note 110, Smoke composition and the flammability of forests and grasslands focuses on the influence of the physical condition of different plant species from forests and grasslands in eastern and northern Australia.

In two studies, the influence of fuel moisture on the combustion characteristics of leaves from three species of Eucalyptus was assessed. A third experiment burnt a range of grass species to assess flammability. These assessments will help land managers identify if a prescribed burn is likely to significantly affect air quality, as well as estimate with greater certainty the contribution a prescribed burn will have to national carbon accounting.

View this Fire Note, and all previous issues, at www.bushfirecrc.com/firenotes

Fire Notes are research summaries in easy to understand language from the Bushfire CRC, which is conducting research into the social, environmental and economic impacts of bushfires.

Author: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC