Opening Dundonnell Fire Station
CFA officially opened the new Dundonnell Fire Station today giving the community access to the modern and fit-for-purpose facility.
The $1.5 million fire station will serve as a community hub and includes a multi-purpose room that replaces the former Dundonnell Public Hall.
Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said CFA is committed to providing its volunteers with the best facilities and hopes the new station will help attract the next generation of volunteers in the area.
"It's been designed to adapt to the changing needs of the community," said Jason.
"The new station features two generously sized engine bays with powered roller doors, a workshop, storeroom and turn out area."
"It's also well-equipped with office space and internet access which means both training and community events can be held on-site plus there is a wheelchair accessible carpark, accessible unisex toilets and shower."
The station has been funded in conjunction with the Dundonnell Fire Brigade, Dundonnell Public Hall Committee and the Dundonnell Wind Farm.
Captain Tim Hill said it's a great outcome for the district and it could be a model applicable to other rural areas that struggle to keep community facilities going.
"To have a hub like this where various community groups can base themselves is really important," Tim said.
"Health services often do the same thing and it can be critical to the long-term sustainability of rural communities.
"I'm hopeful our success might encourage other brigades across the state to think outside the box and see what they can do.”
The brigade moved into the new Dundonnell Fire Station in April and currently has four potential members working through the enrolment process.
It is built on the site of the former Dundonnell Public Hall.
The new station
Stephen Alcock, Assistant Chief Fire Officer for District 16 with Jacinta Ermacora, State Member for Western Victoria