CFA Wellbeing welcomes new peers

Our Peer Support program welcomed 11 new graduates on Saturday 28 July.


Firefighter Trent Egan graduates in the latest Peer Support Training group

The new Peer training includes intensive skills based workshops and units from a nationally accredited Certificate III in Community Services. The new graduates join 150 peers in the traditional program and 30 career firefighter peers already active and supporting CFA people across Victoria.

Those who have accessed CFA’s Peer Support program know and understand the invaluable support service it provides to members and their families, particularly those facing issues relating to traumatic events in an operational capacity or issues within their personal lives.

The program started in the late 1980s after Ash Wednesday, made up of volunteers, PTA staff and career firefighters from across the state, and has continued to evolve with training being contexualised and continually adapted to provide best practice peer support knowledge and skills. 

DCO Gavin Freeman was on hand on the night and presented the certificates to the latest graduating class.

“Our job as first responders is a tough one. We see people on their worst day and this can take its toll. Our Peers are the first point of contact within the districts to ensure our people can access the help they need,” he said.

“The 2018 CFA Peer Graduates are joining a team of people who are making an invaluable difference to our organisation. They should be very proud.”

Trent Egan, Leading Firefighter at Patterson River Fire Brigade and peer graduate, said his involvement with the Firefighter Stair Climb had given new depth to his appreciation for the essential nature of the role.

“I have seen it first-hand how hard just one incident can be, and having someone who you can reach out to confidentially could make all the difference in what could be a very difficult time,” he said.

“The course provided me with the training and skills required to help those when they need support.”

“The stories I heard through organising the Firefighter Stair Climb reaffirmed why I wanted to become a peer and just how vital this program is to CFA.”

CFA has a range of support services for all of our staff and volunteers to access. These include

Peer Support Program - trained members offering support and guidance - contact your local peer coordinator or Career Firefighter Peer Coordinator

Member Assistance Program - 24-hour phone service where you talk to trained psychologists and clinicians to help you through work and personal issues - 1300 795 711

Chaplaincy Program - offering 24-hour pastoral care - 1800 337 068

Member Wellbeing advisers - Experienced field officers available to help all staff and volunteers manage mental health and relationship issues - (03) 9262 8409 /

HeadsUP onlinetoolkit - information and advice on managing mental health and relationship issues -

Career Firefighter Peer Support  0448 071 299

The services are confidential, free of charge and available to all CFA members and their immediate families.

Peer Support Program Graduates

Author: Courtney Walker