D14 ex-Captains and 1st Lieutenants Dinner

On 2 October, District 14 hosted a Recognition and Appreciation dinner for past Captains and 1st Lieutenants from Integrated Brigades (IBs)

During the evening, certificates were presented by OM Trevor Roberts on behalf of the Chief Officer. These certificates are a gesture of thanks for the significant contribution made by past brigade leaders to both the CFA, and the community. For piloting purposes invitations were sent to ex brigade leaders from the current district 14, from 2009-2017.

“As a recipient and one involved in the project the night was appreciated by all who attended. Not only was the gesture a great initiative but the opportunity to sit and swap war stories was very cathartic. From an ex Captain thank you very much”. (Ex- Captain Rohan Thornton)

OM RC John Deering presented certificates to the wife and brother respectively of late past Captains, David McGahy and Frank Hauke.

Partners and guests of the ex-Captains and 1st Lt’s also attended the event, and the important contribution that they make to the CFA by supporting CFA volunteer leaders, was acknowledged by ACO Gavin Thompson.

“I think the concept of creating a formal way of acknowledging the efforts, not only of Captains, but the families and supporters of those in leadership positions is to be applauded and valued. I know from my experience that partners and families get swept along for the journey even though they did not choose the role” (Ex-Captain Laurie Steel).

The evening was well attended, and provided an opportunity for old friends and acquaintances to re-connect, and to celebrate their leadership achievements together.

This dinner is a pilot component of a larger project called ‘Transitioning from Captaincy’. This is a state based project, managed by Kris Wilms who is working with a workgroup comprised of representatives from a range of roles within the CFA, and includes current and former Captains. This group are working on development and implementation of a range of strategies designed to assist ex-brigade leaders when they stand down, or are voted out.

These strategies include ‘Welfare and Wellbeing’, ‘New Pathways’, and ‘Recognition and Appreciation’, and are all at various stages of development.

For further information about the Transitioning from Captaincy project contact Kris Wilms


Author: Blair Dellemijn