Fire restrictions to end in Colac and Corangamite

The Fire Danger Period (FDP) will finish at 1.00am on Tuesday, 6 April 2021 in the following municipalities in CFA’s District 6:                        

  • Corangamite Shire
  • Colac-Otway Shire

According to the latest Australian Seasonal Outlook, above average summer rainfall has led to a reduced bushfire risk for autumn.

These conditions have led to a reduced fire activity in both grasslands and forests this summer.

Much of Victoria will continue to experience milder conditions and lower bushfire potential over the coming months.

CFA District 6 Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) Craig Brittain said with the current conditions and future predictions, after widespread consultation with our members and other stakeholders, local conditions have been deemed suitable to lift fire restrictions.

“We still have the risk of fire in the landscape with some dry areas and precautions still need to be taken when undertaking burning operations,” he said.

“For CFA in District 06, it has been a quiet fire season and I would sincerely like to thank our community for doing the right thing in achieving that.

ACFO Brittain emphasised that while the FDP is coming to an end in some areas, it is still important to remain vigilant.

“We’re urging everyone to stay safe, whether you’re living in or travelling to high bushfire risk areas,” he said.

“Please monitor the conditions on hot, dry and windy days, as we may still see some days of elevated fire risk.”

While the Fire Danger Period will come to an end, it is still important that residents check the local conditions are safe for any burn-off they were considering undertaking.

“You must register your burn-offs, check weather conditions and follow local council laws and regulations,” ACFO Brittain said.

“Registering your burn-off ensures that if somebody reports smoke, the incident will be cross-checked with the burn-off register, which will then prevent CFA crews wasting resources and showing up at your door.”

Landowners can now register their burn-off online at

Alternatively, you can register with the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) by calling 1800 668 511 or emailing

“When conducting burn-offs, remain alert and always have resources on hand to extinguish the fire.”

Keep your burn off safe and legal:

  • Check fire restrictions in your area and always register your burn at
  • Check and monitor weather conditions - particularly wind.
  • To avoid unnecessary calls to emergency services, notify your neighbours beforehand.
  • Leave a three-metre fire break, free from flammable materials around the burn.
  • Have sufficient equipment and water to stop the fire spreading.
  • Never leave a burn-off unattended - stay for its entire duration.
  • If your burn-off gets out of control, call ‘000’ immediately.


Author: CFA Media