Inter-agency training

At a recent training night, Doreen Fire Brigade members were privileged to have Paramedic Scott McLeod from Ambulance Victoria demonstrate the functions and features of a current model ambulance.


Scott explained some of the difficulties faced by paramedics when attending incidents.

Members were shown the layout of the ambulance and where we could find items that may assist the paramedics, if required.

The location of the spare oxygen cylinders and other vital equipment was pointed out. 

How the rear doors operated was demonstrated – a simple yet important feature.

Of particular interest was the new stretcher system and how it operates. 

By the end of the night, many of the members had an opportunity to use the various functions on the stretcher.

Understanding how to release, raise, lower and load the stretcher was a very important part of the presentation that may well be a task we could assist with at an incident.

By the end of the presentation we all had a better understanding of the operation of an ambulance and what may be requested of CFA members.

The ability of Victoria's emergency services to work together is one of our greatest strengths.

Author: Robert Bury