It is a risk not to address risk

As members of an emergency services organisation, CFA people tackle all levels of risk every day.


An important component of our CFA values, putting safety first, requires an organisation-wide approach to identifying and managing risk.

This is where the newly formed Enterprise Risk Team (ERT) comes in, of which I’m Director and aided by our Enterprise Risk Advisers.

Since March last year there has been a significant amount of work at CFA to redesign and implement a new Enterprise Risk Management Framework.

Through this work, we've seen some really positive outcomes as an organisation with our risk maturity increasing, greater integration and use of risk in strategy and planning, and most importantly the identification and management of some significant material risks which now have robust treatment and management plans in place.

To date most our work has strategically focused across the Board, Executive and management tiers. However, over the coming year we are focusing on rolling this work out throughout the rest of the organisation to enable a consistent approach to identifying and managing risk.

In the coming months you will hear lots more from us on risk topics, risk management training for CFA, our new risk champions model, and what support and services we can offer you. But for now, here are some of the key things about the Enterprise Risk Team we thought it would be great for you to know about.

What does the ERT do?

The ERT is responsible for providing support and advice on risk management, building risk management capability and integrating the use of risk management into planning and decision making at all levels of the organisation.

We want risk management to be a positive and useful tool that increases the likelihood that CFA will achieve its objectives, by identifying and removing barriers, rather than a compliance activity that doesn't add value.

 How can the ERT assist?

The ERT is available to assist with risk management activities, including:

  • Providing risk management advice and support;
  • Facilitating risk workshops;
  • Assisting with the preparation of the risk sections of reports and papers;
  • Assisting with integrating risk management into business planning.

How to contact the ERT

If you have any questions or require risk management support, please contact the ERT via email at  or come have a chat with us in person.

Check out the ERT SharePoint site

CFA's Risk Hub is a SharePoint based site where you can find information on CFA's Risk Framework, tools, templates and resources as well as CFA's Enterprise and Directorate Risk Registers. To access the site, follow the link below and log in to SharePoint with your normal CFA username and password.

Visit the CFA Risk Hub.

Author: Daniel Atkin