McIvor Community Awards 2017 - Heathcote FB

In 2000 the Heathcote Rural & Heathcote Urban Brigade amalgamated, forming the present Heathcote Brigade

McIvor Community Awards 2017 - Nomination for The Heathcote Fire Brigade

The CFA is a volunteer and community based fire and emergency services organisation. We help to protect 3.3 million people and more than one million homes and properties across the state.
The 1,219 CFA fire brigades around Victoria respond to bush fires, house fires, industrial fires, road accidents, rescues and other emergencies.
We also work closely with local communities to raise awareness about fire safety and plan for bush fires.

Our vision is to work together with communities to keep Victorians safe from fire and other emergencies.

Our mission is to protect lives and property

The Heathcote Brigade is a proud member of this great Volunteer Organisation.
In 2000 the Heathcote Rural & Heathcote Urban Brigade amalgamated, forming the present Heathcote Brigade.
The Rural brigade was formed in 1943 & the Urban Brigade in 1903.

Residents of Heathcote & District have been protected from emergencies for over 114 years.
The Station in High Street has seen many changes over the years to accommodate vehicles to support our ever growing population.

The current site sits on where the Picture Theatre  was located which also doubled as the Local Hall until the RSL Hall was built in 1956.

The new Station,built in 1974 consisted of 2 bays with meeting room/kitchen.

Over time with additional vehicles to accommodate extensions were made.
At present there are 49 members with a combined experience of over 882 years of volunteering for the Brigade.
Heathcote is fortunate to have both male & female members.

Heathcote has BA Accredited fire-fighters. (Breathing Apparatus)
Not all members are Operational.
The Brigade has members who are there to handle communications,fund-raising, catering etc.

All Training is done in their own time & upskilling is an ongoing issue.
Members have over the years been available to man Strike Teams here in Victoria, NSW or recently support in Tasmania.

In recent years The Heathcote Brigade has had members go to NSW & to the North East Victoria fires which went for many weeks with many members attending on 5 day deployment several times. Some were self employed & others were able to attend with co operation from their employer.This is not uncommon.

During the Declared Fire Season Heathcote Brigade is rostered every 2 weeks to provide a strike team for the Eppalock Group.

Saturday 7th  February 2009, Black Saturday, Heathcote was one of the first to attend, starting at Kilmore East & moving on to help protect Wandong. The same time the Fire at Redesdale started with all members committed. For over a month Heathcote provided support to those localities who suffered a great loss.

Heathcote Brigade is on standby 24/7 365 days a year.
Prior to the introduction of the modern paging system, the Siren was tested every Monday night at 8pm.
Operational members are now notified by a pager message.

The Heathcote Brigade is led by Captain Carl Watkins. Carl has had many years experience & is called on many times for his expertise & knowledge.
The Heathcote Brigade is always fund-raising to add additional vehicles & equipment.

The Local Market every month gives the Brigade an opportunity to fund raise as well as meet with any one who may have an inquiry about burning off or even joining as a member. Great PR opportunity.

Although equipment & methods have changed over the years the main object is to get the job done & return home safely. We are proud to wear our “Yellows” and  carry on the great tradition of our past members to “protect  our local community”.

Author: District 2 News