Message from CEO Natalie MacDonald and CO Jason Heffernan

Hi everyone

We are just a few weeks away from one of the highlights of the year; the State Championships - junior and senior - which showcase the skills of our volunteers.


It’s also an opportunity for brigades and volunteers from across the state to get together and celebrate all that’s great about CFA.

While the 2020 events were unfortunately cancelled due to the pandemic, we’re confident that the 2021 Championships will go ahead within COVID-safe guidelines and we’re working with the Department of Health to finalise the required permits.

CFA, in conjunction with the VFBV, will be hosting the 2021 State Championships across two weekends at Mooroopna Recreation Reserve with the Junior Urban State Championships taking place on March 20-21, followed by the Senior Urban and Senior and Junior Rural State Championships on March 27-28.

At this stage, we have 187 teams from 73 brigades competing across the two weekends which is a fantastic result.

There have been many hundreds of hours of planning for these events and there will be measures to ensure the Championships can go ahead in a COVID compliant environment.

The State Championships have a rich tradition of hotly contested competition in a family-friendly environment.

These Championships, along with local competitions, focus on fitness and skill, support leadership in our brigades and promote the value of volunteering with your local CFA and the benefits which that brings.

This year the events will also feature displays of training equipment and demonstrations of new CFA programs and initiatives so it’s a great opportunity to connect and get more information about what we’re doing to support volunteers.

Unfortunately, we can’t welcome community members to attend the event as we’d normally do, but each competition day will host competitors, immediate family members, coaches, judges, officials, support staff and dignitaries.

We’ll also be providing updates on our social media channels and the intranet so you can stay across what’s going on throughout these two weekends.

We’re living in a changing health environment, but we will continue to support and promote our volunteers and the work that you all do to support your communities.


See the News and Media story for more information.

Author: CEO Natalie MacDonald and Chief Officer Jason Heffernan