Mine fire update - 27/2/14

Community Liaison Officers visited childcare centres in Morwell yesterday, and today will be targeting those in Traralgon, along with schools and pre-schools in both towns.

Incident Controller, John Haynes said officers are talking to principals and teachers about the situation and giving them information on the mine fire and its effects on health and the environment.

“We’re visiting aged care facilities in Morwell and Traralgon, ensuring that our more vulnerable residents and their carers are kept informed and aware of what is happening,” Mr Haynes said.

“Officers will continue to travel on the V-Line service between Traralgon and Warragul every morning and afternoon to talk to travellers and answer questions.

“Other officers will be walking the streets of Traralgon CBD today and in the Traralgon shopping Centre, handing out information about health and the environmental aspects of the fire.”

The CFA bus (Mobile Education Unit) will be outside Coles in Elgin Street, Morwell, from 10.00am till 1.00pm, then at Mid-Valley shopping centre from 2.00pm till 5.00pm.

EPA Victoria has issued a high level smoke alert for the Latrobe Valley today, with visibility likely to be less than 10 kilometres due to high particle concentrations in the air.

The outlook for today and tomorrow is for winds from the south and west indicating risk of extended periods of severe smoke in Morwell and Traralgon today.

There is also a risk of significant smoke in Morwell tomorrow as winds are predicted to be light. Conditions are likely to ease for Morwell during the day, but there is risk of extended periods of significant smoke in Moe tomorrow.

Fire situation

Mr Haynes said there was progress overnight in the calm conditions.

“Crews did a lot of good work on the northern batter last night, which is the area we’re most concerned about,” he said.

“It’s a balancing act as we strive to maintain the integrity of the mine infrastructure while using large volumes of water to suppress the fire.

“We have fire fighting strategies that are carefully considered with ongoing consultation with the people who know this mine and on-site engineers who understand its geology.”

Author: CFA Media