R U OK Day at HQ

Yesterday (14 September) was R U OK? Day which is a national day of action that recognises the important part in which conversation, plays in helping out someone who might be doing it tough.

CFA is proud to support not-for-profit organisation RUOK? and we encourage all our staff and volunteers to use this day as an opportunity to start a conversation with your workmates and make a promise to be there for each other on all other days of the year.

Across CFA many activities were held to support this special day and CFA Headquarters participated by holding an afternoon tea for workmates to check in and ask each other R U OK?

This year for something a little bit different the team introduced a ‘Today I’m grateful for’ wall where all attendees were invited to put something on the wall that they were feeling thankful for.

Gratitude activities such as this have a number of benefits including lowering stress, bringing awareness to the positive things in your life, positioning your focus on what is important to you and enables you to gain clarity on what you would like to have more of in your life.

The gratitude wall up will be up for a little while longer in the Building 8, Level 2 lunchroom so all may have the opportunity to read what their colleagues are thankful for as well as popping their own message up.

Although R U OK Day may be over for the year, today and all other days are just as important to look out for one another.

Start the conversation and follow the steps:

  1.     Ask
  2.     Listen
  3.     Encourage action
  4.     Check in


Author: Naomi Engelke