Sarsfield Brigade Relay for Life

Lucknow Recreation Reserve played host to the Bairnsdale Relay for Life over the weekend of 8th and 9th February 2014. Starting at 4pm on the Saturday many Australians relayed non-stop to raise important funds while celebrating survivors, remembering those lost, or fighting back against cancer.

Among the participants of the event were the Sarsfield Fire Brigade. Sarsfield Brigade have been part of the Relay for Life event for the past three years, during which, they have helped raise over $5000 for the Cancer Council.

The brigade’s support all began when one of their younger members was diagnosed with cancer. The member, who has been involved in the recent fires at Fernbank, had to have the lower part of his leg amputated and a prosthetic limb attached.

Some of the members had decided to build a cart this year, to help raise extra funds. The team offered people the chance to be pushed in the cart for one lap in exchange for a gold coin donation. This initiative helped raise an extra $50 on the day.

Captain Koala popped by to see how the team, known as ‘Smoke Bandits’ were going and walk a few laps. It was very pleasing to hear, that despite having to leave a little early due to local fire activity, the ‘Smoke Bandits’ were awarded the runners up Outstanding Team trophy for their efforts.
The event is a great way for members and families of the brigade to have some fun while also raising money for a great cause.


Author: Martha Johnson