Super Scoresby Sunday

Scoresby brigade members were on board early to set up so they could open the doors to their local community for CFA Sunday.

In excess of 500 family members passed through the doors, with many wearing surprised faces after realising it was a volunteer station.

The past weeks have seen members, printing flyers and putting them up all around the local area. No school, childcare centre or shop seems to have been missed on seeing the promotional material.

Brigade Team Leader Tamara Nagorcka said “The number of families who’ve visited the station has been overwhelming. We ran out of the resources supplied by District 13 and Headquarters within the first hour and a half”.

Hundreds of sausages were consumed during the day, the children lined up to have their faces painted,  badges made, colouring sheets decorated, sporting tattoos, squirting water and clambering over the brigades big red fire trucks.

Two weeks earlier the brigade commenced their recruitment campaign. Now with the success of the CFA Sunday, nine community members put up their hands to find out more about joining Scoresby Fire Brigade.  Those members will be invited to an information night to learn more about CFA, Scoresby brigade and to meet the members.

The brigade would to say acknowledge the support of the Knox Leader, branch manager Dave Frogley of Better Rentals in supplying the variable messaging board and to the ladies from City Life Church who did the most amazing face painting.

Also, to the Scoresby community members who came and saw what we were all about and left knowing more about CFA and the Scoresby Fire Brigade.

Last but not least, a huge thank you to the members of Scoresby Fire Brigade who gave up their Sunday to pitch in and help.

Note: Permission was give to publish album photos.

Author: Wendy Cormack