Tuna fishing capsize off Portland

Four people were lucky to be rescued by a passing fishing boat after spending an hour clinging to a 6.2m boat approximately three miles off Port of Portland.

The group was going tuna fishing near Lawrence Rocks but decided to turn back due to the weather conditions around 6am on Sunday 4 May. Shorty after turning back, the boat was lifted and flipped over by a very large wave, throwing all four people in the sea and overturning the boat.

A passing fishing charter came across the four in the water clinging to their boat about an hour later. They were taken on board and returned to Portland safely.

Portland Coast Guard received a call from the charter vessel and the rescue vessel CG17 was activated to assist and retrieve the capsized vessel, which was a hazard to other boats in the popular fishing area. It took CG17 nearly two hours to tow the vessel back to Portland for recovery.

The Commander of Portland Coast Guard Michael Kruse said, “While the boat and crew where well equipped with VFH / 27meg radios, flares, and EPIRB, the sudden accident made it impossible to active any distress signal. It highlights the need to have a emergency plan in place prior to heading to sea.”

This was an early morning awakening after Coast Guard Portland celebrated its 10th anniversary dinner on Saturday night.

For photos or interviews please contact Michael on 0418347142.

Author: Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Assoc.