CFA calls for safe driving this long weekend

CFA is calling for drivers to be extra cautious on the roads, with more traffic expected over this Labour Day long weekend.


Deputy Chief Officer Specialist Services Garry Cook said motor vehicle collisions were the most common incident that CFA crews responded to during this same long weekend period last year.

“While CFA’s core service to the community is as a fire service, we often get called out to serious road trauma incidents as well,” said DCO Cook.

“More than 35 people have died on Victorian roads this year. Even one call-out to a crash is one too many, and we don’t want a repeat of last year’s long weekend.”

CFA has 21 dedicated Road Crash Rescue brigades across the state that work with partner agencies including VICSES, FRV, and VicPol, however DCO Cook said he hopes their services won’t be required.

“The devastating impacts of road trauma are felt by the families and communities involved long after emergency service personnel have left the scene,” he said.

“These incidents can also impact our members who attend.

“We know that most of these incidents can be avoided. Speed, driver fatigue, and distractions are just some of the causes of major collisions, and they are all preventable.”

While many Victorians are making the most of their opportunities to hit the road, DCO Cook said it’s important to take care.

“It will be fantastic for Victorians to be out and about enjoying their long weekend, but we urge people to use sense and caution on the roads,” he said.

“Be aware of other road users, and let’s keep the number of road trauma incidents down this weekend.

“Keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Author: CFA Media