FRV Geoff Kaandorp providing home fire safety advice
CFA and Fire Rescue Victoria attended the Source Kids Disability Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 5 and 6 July 2024.
At the shared booth the fire services aimed to raise awareness about home fire safety and target those who are at higher risk. People with a disability and young children are at much higher risk in a house fire.
Australian house fire fatality data has clearly highlighted that people with a disability and children aged up to four years old are over-represented significantly.
The Expo attracted more than 3,000 attendees over the two days and many worthwhile fire safety conversations were had. Most of the conversations focused on smoke alarms and improving the number and placement of them inside a home. Many parents didn't realise the need for smoke alarms in bedrooms and the heightened risk without them.
The lure to the fire services stand was definitely CFA District 13’s Little Pat the fire truck. He was a hit with the kids.
“The smiles and laughter was what stood out for me at this Expo,” said Greg Callaghan, a CFA presenter from District 13.
“Some of the kids came back two or three times to have a go in Little Pat! And they were still wanting to play in it as the booth was getting packed up on the last day. This allowed very precious time with the parents and children to discuss home fire safety."
There was also an activity to test a smoke alarm that children could do in the booth, to emphasise the importance of working smoke alarms. We know that arming kids with the key safety advice will mean they remind their parents back at home.
The updated Prevent Detect Escape home fire safety for people at higher risk online module was promoted to carers, parents and service providers. The Expo provided another way to continue to promote this important educational resource to the community.
This was the first time CFA and FRV have attended this Expo and it was well worthwhile. We will be back again next year.
Practicing how to test a smoke alarm
Providing advice
Little Pat was a hit