CFA has been a passionate supporter of the Good Friday Appeal since 1951, and amid the current pandemic is continuing to raise money online by joining the Virtual Tin Shake.
For almost 70 years, Victorians have seen thousands of our proud volunteers stationed at traffic lights and attending events to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), but this year CFA’s strong support will look a little different.
The Good Friday Appeal launched the Virtual Tin Shake as a response to our brigades, which were devastated they couldn’t support the appeal in a traditional way due to current physical distancing and non-essential activity guidelines related to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Over many years of support, CFA members have raised more than $34 million for the Good Friday Appeal to help the Royal Children’s Hospital provide world-class care to our kids.
Last year, brigade members raised $1.6 million for the appeal.
This year, more than 160 brigades have already registered for the Virtual Tin Shake and there will be more registering their virtual tin ahead of Good Friday.
Together, we’ll be rattling our tins virtually via our social channels with our local communities.
This year has presented all Victorian communities with unprecedented challenges and right now it may not be possible for people to donate in ways they might normally want to.
Good Friday Appeal and CFA are extremely grateful for any contributions that Victorians are able to make during these extraordinary times.
People who wish to donate to the Appeal through their local brigade’s Virtual Tin Shake can visit the website at and search for a participating brigade to make a donation.
CFA Chief Officer Steve Warrington said the Good Friday Appeal is a cause that is close to the hearts of thousands of CFA volunteers and staff across Victoria.
“We are so touched by the support our members show for the Good Friday Appeal every year,” CO Warrington said.
“I’d also like to acknowledge the incredible support shown by the Victorian community during the recent bushfire crisis. We are so grateful for those who might still donate to the Appeal amid the current circumstances - every little bit counts.
“We’re extremely proud to continue to support an Appeal that unites us all and I’m sure our people and Victorians will dig deep again for such a wonderful cause.”
CFA brigades participating in the Good Friday Appeal’s Virtual Tin Shake (as at 6/4/20):
Please note this list of participating brigades was current as at 6/4/20. There may be more brigades taking part. You can search for your town or tin online at the Virtual Tin Shake webpage.