Natte Yallock’s community spirit

The Natte Yallock Recreation Reserve Committee of Management is an active and committed group. 


The public hall was once the venue of choice for local dances and events but had recently been outshone by the modern club rooms and function area on the recreation reserve. The new building had become the venue of choice and the hall was now unused and falling into disrepair.

The committee approached DELWP with a view to demolish the old hall and make the site available to accommodate a new CFA shed. 

The decision to demolish a cherished asset like the community hall requires sensitive engagement. The hall housed the military service honour board and it was clear that any decision to demolish had to be fully supported by the community. 

With DELWP and Council assistance the committee worked through the planning process, this involved calling a public meeting to discuss options and to allow residents to have their say. The outcome of the meeting was overwhelming support for demolition and the site to be made available for CFA use.
The committee organised a ‘farewell to the hall’ event  and an ANZAC day ceremony to unveil the newly renovated honour board, in its new home.

DELWP organised the removal and disposal of the asbestos, and electrical safety works for the site.

The committee worked with a local contractor to salvage as much as possible and the old hall was carefully demolished and building materials recycled. This includes the refurbishment of some of the old seating from the hall into the new space (pictured) and plans to use some of the flooring material to make a dresser and table for the entrance and corporate area of the club rooms.

The old hall removed and the seating reused in the new space (source: Natte Yallock Rec Reserve CoM).

A fantastic outcome for the Natte Yallock community.

Author: District 2 News