Dog alerts boy to fire

A family dog has saved a young boy’s life in a house fire at Ballarat this afternoon.

CFA was called to the Dawson Street home just after 12pm after a passer-by raised the alarm.

The fire was in the kitchen, believed to be caused by unattended cooking on the stove.

CFA District 15 Operations Officer Anthony Pearce said a boy was home asleep at the time of the fire and was woken by his dog.

“The house didn’t have working smoke alarms so the boy is lucky to be alive,” he said.

“While in this instance it’s incredible the dog alerted the boy, unfortunately a dog is no substitute for a working smoke alarm.”

“This fire is also an example of why cooking should never be left unattended. With school holidays starting, we’re urging parents to please supervise their children while cooking.”

The fire was controlled within 10 minutes and was contained to the kitchen and part of the roof space.

The boy was transported to hospital by Ambulance Victoria.

Four CFA trucks from Ballarat City and Ballarat attended the incident.

Author: CFA Media