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Four new tankers arrive ahead of summer

Shepparton, Numurkah, Nathalia and Euroa Fire Brigades recently all received a new Heavy Tanker, boosting their firefighting ability to support the region ahead of the summer conditions.

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19 Sep 2024

Brigades light up the night in Diamond Creek

CFA volunteers upheld a longstanding tradition in Diamond Creek over the weekend, participating in a torchlight parade through town as part of the Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair.

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17 Sep 2024

Young members take over the Volunteer Forum

The August Volunteer Forum welcomed some younger members onto the panel to talk about youth initiatives including the new CFA Juniors website.

Go to Young members take over the Volunteer Forum

17 Sep 2024

Panton Hill celebrates 85th anniversary

Panton Hill Brigade celebrated their 85th anniversary on Saturday (14 September) in a community focused occasion that was inclusive of all members past and present.

Go to Panton Hill celebrates 85th anniversary

17 Sep 2024

Barongarook West celebrate 80 years in CFA

Barongarook West Fire Brigade gathered to celebrate their 80th year in CFA’s history books this month, paying tribute to the significant contributions their members have made over that time.

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16 Sep 2024

Shoreham reflect on 75 years as a brigade

Shoreham Fire Brigade members gathered for a momentous awards dinner to reflect on their 75 years of service and acknowledge the efforts their members have contributed to the community.

Go to Shoreham reflect on 75 years as a brigade

13 Sep 2024

Woolworths customers dig deep

Woolworths Portland has a donation fund which gives a sum of money each month to a volunteer organisation.

Go to Woolworths customers dig deep

13 Sep 2024